AddBloom - Facebook Messenger

How to use Facebook Messenger in your digital strategy

For a few years now, social media has been an essential part of brands’ marketing mix. With over 3 hours of social media consumption per day, people are becoming more reliant on the internet and apps in their everyday lives.

Many of the brands rely heavily on Facebook and Instagram to expand their reach and grow their community and convert customers. Today, AddBloom is working with a number of our partners to include  Facebook Messenger to the online marketing mix.

Here’s why

  • Facebook Messenger is the second most used messenger platform on the internet
  • Monthly
    • Over 1.3 billion people use the application
    • 10 billion messages are exchanges between people and businesses

AddBloom’s role is to help you leverage Facebook Messenger to:

  1. Develop the strategy  and deploy the Ad Content that would help reach your audience
  2. Start conversations with click-to-message ads, opening the route to direct customer connection and in some cases, the automation of the process.  
  3. Retarget your customers with sponsored messages, which allows you to optimize the campaign and spark a conversation with a person who has already interacted with you via messenger.

Facebook has recently announced that it intends to merge Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp in order to make it easier to reach friends and family across networks. This could possibly mean an expansion on its ad network and opening up new ways for brands to reach their audience on a more personal level.

Until then, do you want to know how Facebook Messenger can fit into your Digital Marketing strategy? Contact us now.



Advertising on Facebook Messenger – Expand Your Reach and Find more Customers