How important is it to find the right words?

Understand what your audience wants to find, search like they would!

What is the perfect SEO strategy without a keen understanding of what your audience actually needs? And what is good targeting without knowing the right words for your audience to find you? In this blog, we will take you through the full keyword research process, its importance and its fascinating results – when done right.

The formula is easy: you get the right words on screen (on your website, in your links and in your content) you get more visibility on search engines, hence more traffic to the destinations you want your audience to go to.

As we all know, search engines are the first go-to for any person surfing the web to find anything they need, therefore you should be able to grab attention right from the start with the right words!

First off, what is Keyword Research?

It is the bread and butter of digital marketing, the network that enables you to find the words your audience is searching for, leading them directly to you. The process comes in four phases:

1- Identify potential keywords: What would you search for if you’re looking for your product, service or brand?
2- Verify the keywords: Are they used and verified words?
3- Narrow down the keywords: Prioritize and shorten that list!
4- Incorporate keywords in the content: Set up certain terms and phrases for the blog posts, videos, and landing pages of your website.

After following the above steps, you will find yourself with a concise list of wording essentials!

Why is it important? To get the ultimate ranking on search engines and a super effective SEO process, you need to invest in the preparation phase. Keyword research enables you to understand the competitive landscape, know what’s popular in searches and what words are the most used to drive the right audience to your website. Hence, your content marketing strategy would be directed properly to boost visibility, reach, traffic and rankings.

Keyword research is crucial for SEO, it supports your strategy and plays a major role in reaching customers and generating more leads. It then goes on to save a spot for you on search engine results pages, improving the ranking of your content.

Now that we have everything aligned and in place, take a look below at some tips to ace that keyword research and get results!

Start Local

Search for the words that include your location, then broaden the research to nearby regions and locations, this way you will be micro-targeting your closest prospects.

Learn the search engine’s “suggested” phrases

Start typing a word in the search bar and check what words the search engine suggests for you. The drop down list will contain synonyms, similar phrases and other wording options that will help in narrowing your search.

Look into trends on social media
Understand what’s buzzing, the trendings words and hashtags and find out what online users are talking about.

Study the competition
Get an insight on how other businesses are working on digital and find the key differentiators for your business. This way, you will be able to highlight your USPs in keywords and phrases that separate you from competitors.

Now that you know how important keywords and the research around them are for your business’s SEO strategy and how they help in driving traffic to your content pieces, drop us a message here and we will help you find the right words.

Influencer Marketing Today: Yes, No, Maybe?

With 92% of consumers around the world trusting recommendations from friends, reviews from strangers  and key opinion leaders over other forms of advertising, influencer marketing has become one of the fastest growing customer acquisition tactics today. How can brands set up appropriate influencer campaigns or optimize current partnerships to make the effort worthwhile?


What’s the buzz all about?

Influencer marketing is a form of word-of-mouth marketing relying on social media content creators to promote a brand and/or its products to their followers. To hire an influencer, a brand pays the influencer to provide a service. That payment is in the form of free products/services or different forms of currency.

Fostering a win-win partnership is the key of this marketing tactic. A brand’s approach attracts quality people to work with and the longer the partnership the more time they have to get familiar with a business and better represent it.

In 2022, brands are projected to spend $15 billion on influencer marketing. This is the same industry that was only worth $1.7 billion in 2016. How will companies spend these budgets to leverage the partnerships that are crucial to stand out in the digital world this year?


The six steps to success

Building a successful influencer marketing strategy requires a full understanding of what is beneficial for your brand and what it really needs.

Kick it off with 2022 trends

Keep your business booming with extra sets of hands by hopping on the emerging influencer marketing trends of 2022.

  • Surf through different platforms

Despite the fact that many content creators have a preferred social media platform, they usually work across many platforms. Audiences engage seamlessly across several accounts of successful creators. Which is why an integrated campaign that spreads through different platforms would be most effective.

  • Give affiliate marketing a try!

Influencers are taking over the marketing funnel moving beyond awareness towards driving sales. This is blurring the line between affiliates and influencers.

  • Audio and video still win the race

Content across the board is moving from images and text towards video and audio with no exception to influencer marketing. Keep that in mind when agreeing on content to be shared by the influencers.

  • Micro and nano influencers get all the love

Nano influencers are those with just a few thousand followers while micro-influencers are those with fewer than 25,000 followers. Brands may stretch their budgets by concentrating on those influencers that are strongly linked to their audiences.


Have we got you hooked on the idea of influencer marketing? Drop us a hello, we can help you build some successful partnerships.

Social Media Trends You Need to Keep an Eye on in 2022

Get on board these booming trends to slay on social 

Emerging social media trends give you the chance to change up and  improve your content strategy. So why not grab the opportunity to experiment and connect with your audience in different ways to keep them engaged 

Let’s take a look at 8 trends to move forward with. Ready? 


  • Social Media Posts as a Form of Currency

A new payment method is on the rise, and yes – it is strictly social media based, basically a social currency. How does it work? For example, a burger place publishes a post on social media asking for users to share it on their own accounts, by doing so, the users are rewarded with a discount or a freebie as a post-to-pay technique.

This trend is a win-win, providing the business with cost-free brand awareness, tons of user-generated content and the customer would get something in return!


  • Augmented Reality Buzz

Augmented Reality, or AR, is being heavily used and implemented in several practices, and it seems like it’s not fading away any time soon. With the Metaverse hype, AR is on a continuous rise. Customers are more likely to prefer AR as the best way to try-on products, visit a virtual pop-up store and interact with brands. 

On social media, especially on Instagram, AR is being integrated into engaging filters and entertaining games. Take a look at the special Christmas game AddBloom created for POMI, where users use their face to move santa around and collect points.


  • Maturing Influencer Marketing 

Just like AR, influencer marketing is growing year on year.  Brands tend to use influencer marketing to expand their audience, generate new leads, and earn more revenue. By building strong relationships and partnerships with micro and macro influencers, brands will be able to continue building awareness, build brand credibility and trust hence driving user acquisition.


  • Short-form Vertical Video

Short is Gold. All the videos you see on TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts have one thing in common:  quick snack bite content that is engaging, lively and delivers an effective impactful message.  So turn your phone from landscape to portrait, and start creating content.


  • Social Commerce

The easy, fast and efficient way to purchase products immediately, on the spot, without leaving your favorite page. This branch of e-commerce revolves strictly around social media – users would discover the product, purchase with just one click, and get the post-purchase support needed. So if you’ve got products to sell, make sure to set up Instagram Shopping if you’re in an eligible market.


  • MEMES!

The trendiest form of entertaining content! Including memes in your content strategy helps in driving engagement and building communities. Brands can even build partnerships with famous meme pages to be featured and become visible to their follower base as well.


  • Personalization 

Generalized content doesn’t have the same impact anymore, brands should focus on providing users with a personalized experience based on their  interests . So don’t hesitate to address specific personas and most importantly leverage user generated content.


  • Paid Ads or organic posts?

With paid ads cemented as a must, moving towards ads that should be tailored to the users in a way that makes them indistinguishable from organic posts is now a MUST MUST. For ads to stand out they should fit organically on social media networks.


Your audience is always looking for snackable content, content that sticks and is distinctly engaging. Keeping up with emerging trends may be overwhelming, we know, but definitely worth it.  Drop us a message here to help you navigate your content strategy while you focus on your core business. 

Are You Ready for Christmas… Digitally?

Move your festivities online and get your audience shopping for the holidays.

Can you hear the bells jingling, the shoppers coming in and Christmas getting near? It’s that time of the year where everything around us sounds, looks and feels cheerful. If your website and social platforms are not reflective of our surroundings, you better get moving!

Website & E-commerce 

If you went over our Cyber Monday blog you might recall that all consumer shopping habits have moved online and are now spread out over larger periods of time. Christmas shopping is no exception, as we can expect shopping to have started before Black Friday and to go on until January. Prepare yourself for the massive influx of shoppers by optimizing your online shopping.

  • Go over the user experience: If visitors cannot navigate through your website smoothly, they are less likely to complete any purchase. Detect and fix the issues that interrupt an efficient shopping experience for optimal outcomes.
  • Make your website responsive and mobile-friendly: With around 40% of e-commerce revenues coming from mobile devices last year, it is important to have a mobile optimized website with easy navigation. If they can’t see it or buy it on their phones, visitors will forget your website exists.
  • Examine your inventory: Shortages and supply chain issues are not uncommon, especially after the pandemic. Make sure you check your stock and supply before the holidays to find replacements and substitutes when necessary.
  • Add some Holiday cheer: Your website should scream Christmas through design, copy and offers all together. Bundles, reduced shipping fees and gift guides are crucial for consumers, and if they can’t find it on your website, they will move their shopping elsewhere.

Social Media

If you’re looking to find Christmas cheer any time of year, this is where you go. If it’s not Christmas countdowns in September, it’s throwbacks in June, there are always social media users spreading the festive spirit in one way or the other.

  • Set the mood: If you haven’t already, start spreading the joy of the season with a new design theme, a countdown, gift guides and festive content all around. Red, green and white are the colors to embrace throughout the holidays.
  • Cross-promote whenever possible: Redirect your followers to your website, invite them for in-store activations and share all your events on social media. This is the exposure you need for online and offline goals to be achieved.
  • Get conversational: Holiday shopping is difficult and your customers need your help to find the perfect gifts. Publishing content regularly is important, but really talking to your audience is the only way to get them hooked.

Allow the cheer to come through on all your platforms and communications before, during and after the holidays for your business to have a jolly season!  For extra cheer and an in depth consultancy, drop us a hello here.

Cyber Monday 2021: $10.7 Billion in Sales | Here is what you need to know to plan for 2022

How the Monday after Thanksgiving hit $10.7 Billion in sales in 2021

While we seem to believe that Cyber Monday has become the biggest online shopping day of the year because of sales and offers, it isn’t the case. Shopping habits have moved online, and shopping traditions like Black Friday paved the way for more convenient holiday shopping after the long weekend in the United States.

The origins of Cyber Monday

After a recurring peak in online purchases on the Mondays following Black Friday, the National Retail Federation issued a press release in 2005 discussing their findings and started it with the term “Cyber Monday”. The group had believed that the increase in sales was because people decided to skip the mobs shopping during the weekend and wait to purchase online from their office where they had faster internet connections. This provided families with more bonding time as they got their hands on the best deals without spoiling all the surprise gifts.

Cyber Monday today

Throughout the years, the day increased in popularity with designated offers and discounts reaching $2 Billion in sales in 2014. Since that year, Cyber Monday has become the biggest online shopping day of the year in the US with sales growing to hit $10.8 Billion in 2020. That exceeded the $9 Billion digital spend on Black Friday of the pandemic year where more consumers were shopping online. This year sales have dropped by 1.4% resulting in $10.7 Billion in sales on Cyber Monday 2021. This decrease is a result of the change in online shopping habits due to the pandemic. Afraid of facing shortages if they wait for the big sales, consumers have spread out their spending throughout October and November.

Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday have gone beyond the United States even reaching the GCC. In fact, studies have shown that the UAE has the 5th highest average spend per person on Black Friday globally.

Boost your holiday sales with Cyber Monday deals 

If you’re wondering whether or not having Cyber Monday deals is still worth it, it really is. Here’s a couple of tips on how you can make the most out of Cyber Monday with online offers. 


Get creative with how you can grab your online customers by the hook. Customers expect to get the best deals for Cyber Monday and Black Friday so make sure all your bundles, discounts and offers are valuable and impressive. 


Create your plan ahead of time and start promoting early. Try throwing teasers, hints, and maybe have a countdown to get your customers talking. Collaborate with influencers or loyal customers, giving them exclusive details that they can share with their communities. Word of mouth is crucial to get enough traffic for your limited time offer.


All your leads will be redirected to your website for their online purchases. Make sure it is functional and optimized, to keep them surfing long enough to get to know you. Add banners with detailed info on deals to grab your customers’ attention as soon as they’re in, and make sure your offers stand out.

Now that you have your guide and more than enough time make sure you plan out your next Cyber monday early on.

AddBloom - Blog - E-Commerce Re-Imagined

Reimagining eCommerce Post Covid-19

Reimagining eCommerce Post Covid-19 | A Middle East Webinar Geared for Growth Strategies 

Crises are often a catalyst for innovation, especially for those geared to embrace challenges.

In these times, consumer behavior across the world as well as in the UAE and Saudi Arabia has shifted rapidly to online buying, which gave way for an immediate focus on the digital commerce industry and upheld the importance of implementing technology-driven solutions to ensure sustainability, growth and stability.

Yes, e-commerce is now one of the hottest topics today, one that presents businesses with many questions.

  • Will the e-commerce boom remain?
  • How can businesses prepare for the future?
  • What are the top strategies to ensure growth and provide a relevant and valuable user experience?
  • What are the effective channels to improve performance?
  • Is it necessary to restructure existing e-commerce functionalities with new-age solutions for continuous growth and profitability?

To answer these questions and many more, UniCommerce is organizing the Middle East’s largest Webinar on “eCommerce Reimagined: Strategies and Growth Levers Post COVID-19” on Saturday June 27, 2020 starting 11 AM Gulf Standard Time

The webinar is open to all GCC Business and will bring together 10 industry experts from across the MENA region who will be sharing insights and top-level e-commerce strategies to help businesses gear up for conducting businesses amid and post the pandemic

Register here:  

AddBloom - Blog - E-Commerce Re-Imagined

Webinar Agenda

Session 1:

“E-commerce strategies in post Covid-19 era” | 11 AM – 12:15 PM GST



Session 2:

Driving eCommerce growth | 12:20 PM – 1:30 PM GST


  • Mohamed Bahaa –  Co-Founder, Wimo
  • Samar Layoun – Co-Founder, AddBloom
  • Ravi Kant – Head Strategic Partnerships, Noon
  • Vikas Panchal – Business Head, Tally
  • Rajiv Ramanan, Director- Startups, Freshworks


Register here: